Claas Arion 410

The current price is 34500 Euro.

The list of CLAAS Arion 410 Farm tractor offered for sale in our catalog is constantly increased.

Check out our offers and find the best variant to satisfy your needs.

This commercial transport unit was produced in 2011.

Engine details/gearing and fuel type: displacement: 4500 cc, engine cylinders: 4, 100 hp, engine: DPS, transmission: Quadrishift, number of hydraulic valves: 2.

Chassis configuration: front tires: 440/65R28, rear tires: 540/65R38.

Machine hours: 6500.

The vehicle is located in Niederlande, Bruggeman Mechanisatie Broekland, Netherlands.

Feel free to contact us to get additional enquiries.

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Bruggeman Mechanisatie BV

Van Dongenstraat 36 8107 AG Broekland