The detailed specification of CLAAS Axion Farm tractor is provided below.
Look at the technical data of the unit.
The production year is 2023.
The gross weight is 29250 kg.
Engine/driveline: Euro 3, diesel, displacement: 8710 cc, 405 hp, engine: FPT Cursor 9, transmission: CMATIC, power take-off.
The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: 4x4, 2-axle, front tires: 620/75 R 34, rear tires: 710/75 R 42, trailer coupling.
Driving cab specifics: fog lights, additional lights, power windows, electric mirrors, air conditioner, heater, cruise control, power steering, seat heating, driver pneumatic seat, radio, navigation system, board computer.
Max. payload: 11250 kg.
Machine hours: 3.
The unit’s location is in Lübeck, Germany.
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Buchhammer Handel GmbH
Roeckstrasse 38, 23568 Lübeck, Germany