The list of CLAAS Axion 930 Farm tractor offered for sale in our catalog is constantly increased.
Check through the specification of the unit and, if needed, contact the dealer.
This piece of special equipment was produced in 2013.
The details on engine output, gearbox and emission class are as follows: power take-off.
Wheel formula and suspension type: front axle suspension, air brakes, front tires: 710/60 R34, rear tires: IF 900/60 R42.
Cab comforts include passanger pneumatic seat, radio, board computer.
Hours of use: 7255.
The parking site is in Mühlengrund 1, Germany.
Contact our sales department regarding purchase details.
Good luck in your deals with !
Raiffeisen Waren GmbH
Ständeplatz 1-3 34117 Kassel, Germany